A Better Marriage for only $35*!

We want you to thrive in an intimate, happy, pro-communication marriage. We DON'T want you to be in one of the 50% of broken and despairing marriages!

Pre-marital counseling improves the chances of a successful, life-long marriage. In four sessions, often with other couples, we see couples respond so positively to the communication skill and conflict resolution training that years later they come back to thank us! 

We want you to make you marriage better by going home after the counseling with 

  • much better communication skills, 
  • a new understanding of intimacy
  • a better ability to resolve conflicts
  • a much better understanding of what makes your relationship work!


A ten page printout of:

  • Your Couple Type
  • Personality Types,
  • Family of Origin "Map"
  • Your Couple "Map"
  • A Personal Stress Profile
  • Your Unique Relationship Dynamics 


A further explanation of all we cover with a gift to you of the book, "The Couple Checkup"

All this for only $95**! And you will save $60 on your Tennessee Marriage License!

We want to be the cause for a new revolution in successful marriages in Northeast Tennessee. Don't be one of the 50%! 

*Cost after you save $60 on your Tennessee Marriage License. You must pay the $95 to Appalachian Family Outreach. You are responsible for receiving the $60 discount from your County Clerk.

**Add $75-$150 if you want to be the only couple in all four sessions with the counselor.